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... meet Dr. John K. Sullivan ...


While a relatively new transplant to beautiful Eugene, Oregon (the native home of his wife, Nancy), Dr. Sullivan is not new to the dental profession, having worked with over 10000 friends and neighbors in his hometown since 1984.  


"I grew up one of five kids working hard on a working farm, and knew pretty early that I'd prefer a life indoors," he laughs.  "Dentistry has afforded me the amazing opportunity to not only stay out of the weather, but much more importantly to serve my community in a very tangible way.  There is nothing more rewarding than seeing patients leave my practice happier for the experience, and healthier, as well."


He is also proud to be recognized internationally as both a teacher and a leader in the dental profession. Many weekends find him helping other dentists learn the nuances of what it takes to create beautiful, long lasting smiles by presenting lectures on aesthetic and real-world dentistry. “It’s great to help other dentists see what dentistry can truly be for their patients,” he says, “and it’s even greater to see the change high quality dentistry can make in patient’s lives. For me, a beautiful and healthy smile is about reflecting the person's soul underneath."


A member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) since 1998, Dr. Sullivan’s passion for his profession eventually led him to an even higher level of service; for many years he served as a member of the AACD Board of Directors, and was the 25th President of the AACD, serving in 2011-12.  


“The AACD is an incredible organization that is changing the way general and cosmetic dentistry is practiced across the globe. I’m proud to be an Accredited member, and was privileged that the membership allowed me to help shape their future,” Dr. Sullivan said.  


The AACD is the world’s largest dental organization dedicated to Cosmetic Dentistry, and is recognized for having the profession’s most stringent, double-blind, peer-reviewed accreditation for specialization in cosmetic dentistry. The AACD also encourages and enforces the highest standards of ethical conduct and responsible patient care among dentists.  Dr. Sullivan earned his Accreditation in 2006, which means he has earned a level of accreditation held by less than three hundred dentists worldwide.


Testament to the membership’s trust in Dr. Sullivan is that the AACD membership has invited him to continue on in his role of leader, participating as a speaker at annual AACD conferences and representing the AACD in Sweden, Japan, and South Korea teaching what he knows so well.


In addition to teaching and leading his peers, Dr. Sullivan is constantly perfecting his own skills, learning and striving for excellence.


"As long as I'm practicing, I'll be learning.  I'll never stop trying to be better."

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© SMILES4OREGON    |    Dr. John K. Sullivan, DDS    |    541-225-4866    |    498 Harlow Road, Suite 1     |    Springfield  OR  97477

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